Looking for effective acne rosacea bumps treatment?

On DectorHelpMySkin you get the best laser treatment for rosacea.

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What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic skin ailment similar to sunburn. The redness induced by rosacea is frequently transient at first, but it becomes permanent with time. Rosacea can be triggered by a number of factors, including heat, caffeine, or stress.

Your nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin may appear flushed or sunburned. Red or pus-filled lumps, as well as tiny blood vessels, are further signs. Rosacea can also cause your eyes to become red and watery. Your eyelids and the white area of your eye may become irritated and inflamed.

Our doctors are specialized in diagnosing & treating all types of acne rosacea treatment.

Types of Rosacea


Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea

The persistent redness on the face is a symptom of erythematotelangiectatic rosacea. Redness can become more persistent, cover more skin, and even become permanent if not treated. Get right rosacea bumps treatment with us.


Papulopustular Rosacea

The pus-filled pustules known as "whiteheads" and red, swollen pimples are characteristic of papulopustular rosacea. These appear on the cheeks, chin, and forehead and are frequently misdiagnosed as acne.


Phymatous Rosacea

Skin thickens and scars as a result of phymatous rosacea, making it rough, puffy, and sometimes discolored. This uncommon but treatable condition most commonly affects the nose, resulting in a bulbous nose, or rhinophyma, and is more common in men than in women. With us, you get the right rosacea bumps treatment.


Ocular Rosacea

For a long time, ocular rosacea produces dry, itchy eyes, and cysts can grow on the eyelids. Get rid of rosacea with the best laser treatment for rosacea from DoctorHeloMyskin's trusted physicians.

How to Prevent Rosacea?

Avoid tight clothing

Limit Sun Exposure

One of the most common causes of rosacea flare-ups is exposure to the sun. Even dark-skinned persons can experience a flare-up after spending time in the sun. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen before going out in sun.

Shave with care

Limit alcohol

When it comes to alcohol-related flare-ups, red wine may be the most common problem. Stick to non-red wine options and limit yourself to one or two drinks with a cold glass of water in between to prevent Rosacea.

Take bath daily

Protect from cold

Wearing a scarf is an excellent way to protect your skin from the harmful cold weather. Scarves made of silk or acrylic should be avoided, as wool and other rough-feeling textiles might irritate & cause a flare-up.

Hair removing products

Minimize stress

If stress makes your rosacea worse, develop a stress-relieving hobby that you can do on a regular basis. Exercising, meditation, tai chi, or consult with skin specialists for rosacea bumps treatment on DoctorHelpMySkin.

Personal products

Proper skincare

Skin care plays is crucial to keep rosacea under control. Look for light, soothing formulas suited for sensitive skin while searching for skin care products. Consider us for consulting the right products or best laser treatment for rosacea.

Avoid using oils

Avoid overheating

Warm baths and showers are preferable to hot baths and showers, avoid direct contact with extreme heat. Have a cold water bottle or a towel that you can drape around your neck on hand to assist you cool down.

How DoctorHelpMySkin Can Help?

If you suspect you have rosacea, it’s time to schedule a visit with your dermatologist. Your doctor will be able to confirm the diagnosis with an exam and prescribe medicine to help. One option is to upload a photo and list of your symptoms to Dr. Help My Skin to receive a diagnosis within 24 hours.

Along with your doctor-prescribed medicine, there are a few things you can do on your own to minimize flare-ups.

Keep a journal detailing your symptoms along with diet and activities. This allows you to monitor what triggers your rosacea. Common triggers include: sunlight, hot or spicy foods, wind and cold, intense exercise, some products, including skincare, makeup, medicine, and hair products.

As you find correlations between certain triggers and a flare up of your skin, you can minimize exposure to those triggers.

There is no cure for rosacea, but taking steps to manage it effectively can have a large impact on your symptoms. Dealing with the red skin, eye sensitivity, and constant management of rosacea can be disheartening. Don’t be afraid to seek out encouragement from a counselor or support group.